
In Bones, characters play a crucial role by providing players with a unique identity within the game. There is a set of free characters available, allowing everyone to play without needing to own a character NFT. This inclusivity ensures that all players can enjoy the game and have access to personalization options from the start, fostering a welcoming and engaging gaming environment.

For NFTs in Bones, there are three distinctive traits that make each skin unique:

  1. Rarity: This is specific to the skin itself and defines its exclusivity and potential appeal.

  2. Credit Bonus: This is a random value assigned to the skin based on its rarity. For example, if a Mythic skin is announced with a credit range of 1.2 to 1.5, this means that the credit score will be between 1.2 and 1.5 when it is assigned. The credit bonus is used to award points during games. For instance, if you earn 10 points at the end of the game and your credit score is 1.2, the credits awarded to you will be 10 x 1.2 = 12.

  3. Go to Gear: This can either take the value of a weapon or be empty. This trait is crucial as it determines the weapon with which the character appears in the arena. While it is possible to change weapons by picking them up off the ground, it is vital to start with a weapon that suits your strategy.

Free characters have a credit score of 0.5, which reflects their baseline utility compared to more rare and potentially advantageous NFTs. This system enriches the strategic depth of the game, allowing for a variety of playstyles and tactics based on the skins and gear a player chooses.

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