đŸ’ŗBuy Lootboxes

When you click on a lootbox in the shop, it takes you to the page where you can purchase it. From there, you can select the quantity you want: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 10 (the best choice), and you also have the possibility to receive discounts depending on the quantity you select (varies by lootbox).

You can pay with points directly if you have enough (no gas fees involved), or in dollars, with the price displayed in the purple box in dollars leading you to the following page.

You also have visibility on what the box potentially contains and the drop percentages associated with each item.

Once you've decided to purchase your lootbox in dollars, you can choose the destination (I recommend selecting your wallet instead of email).

Next, you can select your payment method from the following options:

  • Credit card

  • Using SOL via Solana

  • In ETH (via the ETH network or Base)

You will simply need to connect your wallets to proceed with the payment.

Last updated